Geothermal systems have earned an excellent reputation for efficient heating and cooling, longevity and low maintenance. But that doesn’t mean they’re infallible. Geothermal system maintenance should be performed each spring and fall by a qualified HVAC technician, and there are periodic maintenance steps you may perform in between.
Homeowner Care
Homeowner care for a geothermal system is primarily centered around making sure components are clean and well maintained. A homeowner can easily complete the following:
- Thermostat: Keep the thermostat owner’s manual in a convenient location where you can easily find it in the event system alerts are displayed.
- Air filter: The importance of air filter maintenance can’t be overstated. This simple device prevents system components from failing by trapping dirt and debris before they cause damage. Use a high-quality filter and change it as recommended by the manufacturer.
- Registers and grilles: Clean the registers and grilles each month. Using the brush extension of the vacuum cleaner is a simple method.
- Condensate pan: The condensate pan collects condensate that drips from the evaporator when the system is in cooling mode. You can check the condensate pan for mold and algae between professional maintenance visits. Pour a quart of a solution of one part solution bleach and 3 parts water into the pan to help prevent blockages from algae and mold buildup.
- Listen: If you hear any unusual noises from the system or registers, such as rattling, squealing or humming, contact your technician right away. It may be something as simple as a loose duct connection, or it could be a more dire problem, such as a failing blower motor.
Remember to schedule professional preventive maintenance each spring and fall to ensure your geothermal cooling and heating investment is well taken care of and reaches its full life span.
If you have any questions about geothermal system maintenance or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at Stack Heating & Cooling. We’ve served the residents of the greater Cleveland area since 1976.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Cleveland, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about geothermal systems and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Credit/Copyright Attribution: “John T Takai/Shutterstock”
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