Stay Safe When Utilizing Extension Cords at Home
Did you know that extension cords are meant to be temporary solutions, not permeant fixtures? Extension cords can help us complete projects or string festive lights, but they can result in injury or fire if improperly used or if damaged. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International, about 4,000 injuries related to electrical extension cords are treated in emergency rooms each year!
Stay safe when using extension cords by following these tips from your local electrician:
Before starting your project
• Ensure you have selected extension cords that are marked for indoor or outdoor use appropriately.
• Inspect your extension cord it for cracks, frays, or damage. If you notice that your cord is deteriorating, discard it.
During extension cord use
• Plug the cord of your device in completely.
• Do not run the extension cord under rugs, heavy furniture, or through a door or window that will pinch it.
• Do not staple or tape the extension cord to the floor or wall.
When you’ve completed your project
• To remove an extension cord from an outlet, do not pull the cord—pull the plug.
• Before returning an extension cord to its safe, dry storage location, inspect it. If the extension feels hot or damaged, the cord must be discarded.
Stack Heating, Cooling & Electric has been serving the greater Cleveland area since 1976. We value our customer relationships and look forward to working with you! Give us a call today to schedule your appointment with a professional local electrician or HVAC contractor.
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