High-efficiency air conditioning is becoming a hot topic in the cooling industry. High energy prices, uncertainty about fuel supplies, and environmental concerns all make high-efficiency air conditioning an attractive option. It cuts down on the amount of electricity needed to cool your home, lowering your utility bills and reducing the amount of fuel consumed by power plants.
The efficiency of air conditioners is most commonly measured by SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. SEER is a practical rating system, which measures the average efficiency over the course of the entire summer. The higher the SEER rating, the more cooling output is produced per unit of electricity. Older air conditioners, including many of the ones still in use around Cleveland, had SEER ratings of about 10. Starting in 2006, all new central air conditioners were required to have a SEER of 13 or more. With advancements in technology, though, some new high-efficiency air conditioners have SEER ratings above 20–meaning they often use only half as much electricity as the older systems they replace.
When considering different air conditioners, you can get an idea of how much high-efficiency air conditioning could save you on your electric bills by utilizing Energy Star’s free, downloadable cost calculator (an Excel worksheet). Along with the electricity savings, it also estimates some of the environmental benefits, in the form of reduced carbon dioxide emissions. Besides the long-term savings, high-efficiency air conditioning can also earn you tax credits this year (usually in the amount of $300, although a geothermal installation may qualify for more).
For more information on high-efficiency air conditioning options for your Cleveland-area home, contact the professionals at Stack Heating & Cooling. Based on our 35 years of experience, we can help you decide which available options would work best for your particular needs, and determine whether a high-efficiency system would make sense for your home. Contact us today with any questions, or come visit us at our showroom. We’ll be happy to help, and will work hard to ensure you leave as one of our satisfied customers.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
Stack Heating services Cleveland, Ohio and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website.
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