Learn How a Zoning System May Benefit Your HomeA zoned HVAC system offers a far more efficient means of heating and cooling your home when compared to the whole-house approach. A zoning system allow you to control the parts of your home that get conditioned air. If your HVAC system isn’t zoned, you’re paying to cool or heat every single room in your home whether there’s someone in it or not. This means that you’re wasting energy in an effort to keep your entire house at one temperature.  

How a Zoning System Works

With an HVAC zoning system, each zone has its own thermostat so you can set the temperature differently in that zone. The thermostats are all connected to a central control panel that operates the HVAC system. The system uses dampers that open and close according the demands of each zone’s thermostat. The damper in a zone opens when the thermostat calls for conditioned air, and the conditioned air is then sent to that zone. Closed dampers keep the air out of zones that didn’t call for it.

A zoning system allows rooms with occupants to be kept cooler in the summer while rooms with no occupants can be kept warmer. The result is that you have full control over the energy used to heat and cool your home, which allows you to save on utility costs while ensuring that your home is kept comfortable.

Facts About Zoning Systems

  • Using zoning in conjunction with programmable thermostats can reduce the cost of heating and cooling your home by as much as 30 percent.
  • Any type of HVAC system with ductwork can be made into a zoned system.
  • The installation of a zoning system is best left to an HVAC pro due to the complexity of duct design and electrical work involved, among other factors.

For more information on how a zoning system can make your home more comfortable and help reduce heating and cooling costs, contact us at Stack Heating & Cooling. We’ve been providing heating and cooling services to Northeast Ohio homes for the last 39 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Cleveland, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about zoning systems  and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Angela Waye/Shutterstock”

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