Your home was well sealed for the cold Greater Cleveland winter that we’ve just experienced, and now it’s time to make sure your home is weatherized for summer.
Weatherizing Tips for Summer
Window and door screens. Opening your windows and doors to let in the fresh air and any breeze that is blowing — particularly at night — is great, but you need to keep the bugs out. Window and door screens are the answer. During the day, some screens block UV rays from the sun and help to shade rooms so that air conditioners don’t need to run so frequently.
Window shades. Blinds or shades also help to block direct sunlight, keeping rooms cooler during summer. Open them at night to let the cool air enter your home.
Fans. Ceiling fans are an excellent way to supplement the work of your air conditioner, as they use less energy; use the fan only when people are in the room.
Water heater. Now that summer is here, you don’t need loads of hot water so turn down the temperature on your water heater or consider buying a tankless water heater. This will drop your energy costs considerably. Having a cool shower is better than lowering the thermostat on your air conditioner.
Thermostat. Turn the thermostat up when you’re out of the house for long periods. Remember pets need cool air but not as much as humans do.
Natural light. Instead of turning on lights in the evening, take advantage of the natural light flooding in through your windows. When you do need to turn on the lights, make sure that you’ve got rid of all those old incandescent bulbs as they are heat producers.
Hygrometer. Invest in a hygrometer, which is a device that measures the humidity in your home. A hygrometer makes it easier to set your air conditioner on the correct temperatures, and also helps you decide if you need dehumidifiers in any of your rooms.
Contact Stack Heating & Cooling for more weatherizing tips for you home this summer. We have been proudly serving the residents of Northeast Ohio since 1976.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Cleveland, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about weatherizing tips and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Nelosa/Shutterstock”
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