Tips for Extreme Weather Conditions

Cleveland summers are notoriously hot and humid and we have already seen temperatures creep up into the 90s this year. When it gets that hot, not only is it extremely uncomfortable to be outdoors, but for those who don’t have a home air conditioning system, it can be deadly.

Extreme heat is a signal for us all to keep an eye out for those who are most vulnerable, such as children, the elderly and our pets. Here are a few tips from the National Weather Service for what to keep in mind this summer as temperatures soar:

  • Close blinds and windows to keep indoor spaces cooler
  • Seek out air-conditioned buildings
  • Keep an eye out for neighbors who may not have access to AC and help them stay cool
  • Don’t undertake strenuous activities
  • Stay indoors in air conditioning if possible
  • Minimize time in the sun
  • Stay hydrated; this means drinking plenty of water even when you are not thirsty
  • Never leave any child or pet in the car—not even for a minute!

Stack Heating, Cooling & Electric has been serving the greater Cleveland area since 1976. We value our customer relationships and want you to stay safe and cool this summer! Please call us if we can be of any assistance.

Have Any Questions?

If this is an emergency please call 440-937-9134.

Otherwise, please feel free to call us or submit this form to schedule an appointment for service or request an estimate. We will contact you shortly!