Many individuals suffer from asthma and allergies during the winter months due to poor indoor air quality. As the temperature continues to drop, it may be time to consider investing in an air purifier to eliminate dust, mold, pet dander and other contaminants. By utilizing an efficient and effective air purifier, you can significantly improve your household indoor air quality while reducing some of the strain on your furnace filter.

Why invest in an air purifier?

You may be surprised to learn that according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, indoor pollution is one of the top five environmental risks to public help. In addition to this, the air inside your home may actually be more polluted than the air outside. Because your family will be spending most of their time indoors this winter, it’s especially important that your home’s air stays as fresh and pure as possible, as contaminated air can aggravate sicknesses and cause other health problems. Using an air purifier can also help save you money on your HVAC maintenance costs. By relieving the burden of your HVAC system’s air filters to collect dust and other debris, you won’t need to change your filters as frequently, and your equipment won’t require as much cleaning.

Choosing the right air purifier

Although units are available to purify the air in a single room, a whole-house air purifier is a better investment. These purifiers will leave the air in every corner of your house clean and fresh while running relatively silently. Some whole-house purification systems will work by simply putting a filter into your HVAC system’s main air duct. Each time the fan turns on, your home’s air will pass through the filter so that it’s cleaned before it’s ever heated or cooled. Other types of whole-house purifiers operate by heating and cooling the air before it passes through a set of filters to capture harmful particles.

For more advice on air purifiers, contact the professionals at Stack Heating & Cooling. We’re proud to serve the greater Cleveland area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Cleveland, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about air purifiers and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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