Remodeling Your Cleveland Area Home? Don't Forget to Take Care of Your HVAC UnitWhen remodeling your Cleveland or Northeast Ohio home, there’s a lot to take care of. You need to take care of the financing for the project and hiring the right contractors. You need to take care of your pets and family to protect them from the dangers of major renovations. While you’re busy taking care of everyone and everything, though, who’s taking care of your HVAC system?

The reality is that HVAC units can be very vulnerable to dirt and debris, which can clog up the systems and even interfere with any electronic components. Luckily, there are several ways to protect your system:

  1. Be proactive before the project starts. Before remodeling your home, talk to your HVAC contractor to discuss specific things you can do to prevent HVAC damage. That contractor visit can save you money in service calls after the remodel is done.
  2. Check air filters regularly. While the project is ongoing, make sure to change air filters regularly. Even if they seem clean, tiny bits of dust can still be clogging them up and making your system less efficient.
  3. Keep dust and debris out. When remodeling your home, use plastic sheeting or tarp around any rooms or areas being renovated to prevent dust from traveling everywhere. If at all possible, take care of cutting, sanding, and other dusty jobs outside. Close and then seal registers and access to ducts anywhere dust is being generated. While this may mean you will not be able to use your HVAC while the registers are closed, it will keep dust out.
  4. Clean often. Regularly vacuuming and cleaning up as you go can help prevent dust from drifting into your system.
  5. Take action once the project is complete. Once your renovation is complete, your work is not done. Now is the time to change air filters yet again and to clean your ducts just in case some dust did get in.

Do you have questions about HVAC units or home comfort issues? Contact us at Stack Heating & Cooling. We have been helping HVAC customers in the Cleveland and Northeast Ohio area since 1975.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Cleveland, Ohio about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about HVAC units and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “docstockmedia/Shutterstock”

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