Radiant floor heating is a luxury that most people forget about or often do not even realize exists. It is a popular feature in many new housing builds and also some home renovations. Having underfloor radiant heating is the best way to warm your toes, especially during winter months. While there is an added cost associated with this warm luxury, it does pay off and makes your home extra special. Radiant floor heating is much more accessible than it was years ago when it first came out and there are many benefits to adding it to your home.

Young woman walking in the house on the warm floor.

Easy to Use

After being installed, underfloor heating is very easy to use and also requires very little maintenance. Most floors also come with a very good warranty as well. Radiant floor heaters are typically controlled by a thermostat. This means that virtually with the click of a button your floors can be instantly heated. It can also be programmed to come on at a certain time and then turn off at a certain time.

More Space in Your Home

With radiant floor heating systems you are actually able to save more space in your home. Most home heating systems typically take up some sort of space on the wall. By having a floor heating system you are actually able to have more open wall space. This allows you to get more personal with your home, achieve a great minimalist look or just have the freedom to design without radiators.

Works With Most Floor Coverings

Like mentioned above radiant floor heating gives you a lot of room to truly design your home to its fullest. This is true with the types of floors you can use in your home with the radiant heaters. These floor heaters can be used laminate, wood, tile, stone, carpet and more. You can achieve a warm and cozy floor without sacrificing the look of floor type that you want.

Air Quality

Radiant floor heating is actually much better for the air quality in your home than your regular heater. These heaters keep the air fresh and rich of oxygen. With normal heating the air circulation rises to the ceiling which keeps dust going in circles. This will not happen with a floor heating system.

Easy Installation

Most people think radiant floor heaters are hard to install and require a lot of time. This is not the case however. Underfloor heating is quick to install and is a very easy process, especially if you hire professionals. During installation a qualified electrician will be needed to connect the heating system to your electric source. 

A Cozy Home

Probably the biggest benefit to having radiant floor heating is how cozy it makes your home. Having a heated floor allows you to get a uniform heat across your home. It also feels great on your feet when you step on your floor! It is especially nice to have heated floors, especially during the winter months when it can be extra cold outside.

Thinking About Getting Radiant Floor Heating?

Now is the perfect time to get heated floors installed in your home. Especially as the temperature outside continues to drop. If you are thinking about getting radiant floor heating installed in your home call Stack Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electric. We are Cleveland’s experts on all types of heating systems and can install radiant floor heating for your home. We’ve been serving the Cleveland area for over 40 years, and will continue to for years to come. Give us a call at (440) 937-9134 or visit us on our website today and find out what we can do for you!

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