It can be difficult to decide whether to repair or replace your finicky air conditioner, especially because deciding on a new piece of equipment requires a substantial investment. However, that investment could be well worth it if you select a high-efficiency machine that will pay you back over the coming years in energy savings. Here are five factors to consider if you’re deciding whether to repair or replace your air conditioner:
- Age: Air conditioners usually last about 12-15 years if they are properly maintained during that time. Switching to a new Energy Star-labeled air conditioner could save you up to 20 percent on your cooling costs.
- Frequency of repairs: Aging systems act up more than newer units, which can cost you in repairs. If you’ve already had two or more substantial repairs in the past two years, stop throwing good money at bad and consider replacing your aging air conditioner.
- Energy bills: It’s easy to blame the increase in cooling bills on rising energy prices. However, an inefficient system is to blame as well. Replacing your A/C unit may be the best way to see a substantial decrease in cooling bills this summer.
- Home comfort: If your home has been too hot or humid already this season, you could be in for an uncomfortable summer if you don’t end the repair or replace debate soon. These issues, along with excessive dust, are signs that your air conditioner is on its last leg.
- Noise: Perhaps your system used to run quietly but lately it’s been operating louder than usual. There could be a problem with the indoor coil that may require professional attention.
Avoid a complete breakdown on a 90-degree day by replacing your air conditioner sooner rather than later. For help making the final decision to repair or replace your A/C unit, contact the professionals at Stack Heating & Cooling today. With more than 36 years experience serving the Cleveland area, we’ve got experience with HVAC equipment and can answer any questions you may have.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about repairing or replacing and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Stack Heating services Cleveland, Ohio and the surrounding areas. Visit to see and get started today!
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