Five Ways to Commit to Saving Electricity in 2017

Are you gearing up for 2017 resolving to find new ways to save money? What about to reduce your impact on the environment? These energy-saving resolutions don’t require a lifestyle overhaul, but they will make a difference in your bill and the amount of energy your home uses!


  • Commit to a visual inspection of your home’s piping, ducting, and heating/cooling equipment. Are there new tears, stains, burns, or compressions? Call a local HVAC contractor when you notice damage or changes.
  • Commit to a nighttime audit of your home. What kind of electronics stay on all night when they aren’t in use? Does your family leave unnecessary lights or appliances on? Where can you install a smart power strip to save energy?
  • Commit to changing your air filters regularly. Changing your air filter helps keep your heating and cooling systems working optimally, reduces energy waste, and improves air quality. If you have pets, you should change your filters even more frequently—every 60 days. Add a reminder to your calendar.
  • Commit to checking your thermostat’s programming. Are you using energy to heat or cool your home while it is unoccupied? Have your family’s schedules changed recently, and if so, have you adjusted the programming of your systems accordingly?


  1. Commit to reviewing your energy bill and tracking changes. Note when and if your energy use drops as a result of your changes—and celebrate! The small steps you’ve taken have paid off!

A green electrician can provide other ideas about how to reduce your energy usage in 2017.

Stack Heating, Cooling & Electric has been serving the greater Cleveland area since 1976. We value our customer relationships and look forward to serving you! Please call us if our experienced green electricians can be of any assistance in helping you determine what solar options are available to you.


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